The Hyde Collection has given NCA this special opportunity to hold an exhibition at the Rotunda, across from the auditorium. If you have a piece ready for PR use, send a photo with ID to Name, Title, Medium, Price 


N THE ENVIRONMENT from Nov. 14 to Nov. 17, 2024, 10am to 5pm at The Hyde Collection Rotunda 

Open to artist members of North Country Arts who will explore climate changes effect on the environment through a multitude of artistic media. Art framed must not be larger than 30 inches on any side due to the curvature of the Rotunda walls, which is located across from the auditorium where the concert will culminate the program. Hanging Fee of $20 includes the concert on Nov. 15th. 

Nov. 10 Drop Off  12 to 2pm in the Art Studio at the Hyde downstairs 

Desolation Moonlight Blue – Laura Zwynenbaum

Nov. 11 – 13 Exhibition InstallationNov. 14 – 17 Exhibition in the Rotunda 10am-5pm. Hyde Hours

Nov. 15 – 2:00 pm. Concert in the Auditorium across from the Rotunda  Free for all artist participantsNov. 23 – Pick Up in the Art Studio 12 to 2pm 

OVERVIEW OF THE CLOSE TO THE EARTH CONCERT on Nov. 15. 2024, 2pm at The Hyde Collection

ANTHIME MILLER, Composer and Cellist
CATHERINE REID, Composer and Pianist 

Birds in a Wildfire – Linda Westlake


I Anthem- Into Action

ll Trophic Cascade Prelude and Fugue

III Architecture

IV When Things Become Untenable

V Future – Into Action